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MES 9 - 9th International Mathematics Education and Society Conference
Konferenz: 9th International Mathematics Education and Society Conference (MES 9). Volos, Griechenland. Internet: 9th International Mathematics Education and Society Conference
Termin: 07. - 12. April 2017
Die MES9 wird von der International Community Mathematics Education and Society (MES) und dem Department of Early Childhood Education (DECE) von der Universität Thessalien, Griechenland organisiert.
Die MES 9 steht unter dem Leitspruch "Mathematics Education and Life at Times of Crisis". Weltweit beeinflussen wirtschaftliche und politische Krisen alle Bereiche des Lebens. Insbesondere auch die Art und Weise wie Kinder und Erwachsene Mathematik lernen und erleben. Deshalb ist die Mathematikdidaktik angehalten sowohl soziale und kulturelle Unterschiede, globale Migration, ungleiche Verteilung von Wohlstand, überdauernde Armut, gefährdete Natur- und Umweltressourcen sowie den technischen Fortschritt zu thematisieren.
International Advisory Committee
- Yasmine Abtahi, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Annica Andersson, Malmö University, Sweden
- Anna Chronaki, University of Thessaly, Greece
- Tony Cotton, Sheffiel Hallam University, UK
- Peter Gates, University of Nottingham, UK
- Brian Greer, University of Portland, USA
- Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, Michigan State University, USA
- Eva Jablonka, King's College London, UK
- Robyn Jorgensen, University of Canberra, Australia
- David Kollosche, Potsdam University, Germany
- Danny Martin, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
- Naresh Nirmala, Miami University, USA
- Daniel Orey, Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil
- Milton Rosa, Federal University of Ouro Preto , Brazil
- Kate Le Roux, University of Cape Town, South Africa
- Jayasree Subramanian, Tata Institute of Social Science, India
- Wee Tiong Seah, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, Australia
- David Wagner, University of Brunswick, Canada
Local Steering Committee
- Anna Chronaki, University of Thessaly (chair of the committee)
- Sonia Kafoussi, University of the Aegean (co-chair of the committee)
- Dimitris Chasapis, University of Athens
- Fragkiskos Kalavasis, University of the Aegean
- Eythimios Nikolaidis, National Research Institute
- Charalampos Sakonidis, Democritus University of Thrace
- Charoula Stathopoulou, University of Thessaly
- Panagiotis Spyrou, University of Athens
- Anna Tsatsaroni, University of Peloponese
Local Organizing Committee
- Anna Chronaki (chair of the committee)
- Eleni Kontaxi
- Andreas Moutsios-Rentzos
- Yiannis Pechtelides
- Anthi Tsirogianni
- Giorgos Giannikis
- Chrissa Papasarantou
- Anastasios Matos
- Elizabeth de Freitas, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK: Mathematics and the body: The biopolitics of Number sense
- Heather Mendick, Freelance Academic, UK: Mathematical futures: discourses of mathematics in fictions of the post-2008 financial crisis
- Erika Bullock, University of Memphis, USA: Building Justice Communities in Mathematics Education: Leveraging Intersectional Analyses
- Dimitris Chassapis, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece: "Numbers have the power" or the key role of numerical discourse in establishing a regime of truth about crisis in Greece