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MAVI24 - The 24th In­ter­na­tional Conference of Math­em­at­ical Views

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Konferenz: (MAVI24). Hel­sinki, Finnland. Internet: [1]

Termin: 20. - 22. August 2018


MAVI24-conference is a forum to present and discuss research results in the field of mathematics related affect. We welcome papers on teachers’, students’, and other stakeholders’ affect. The papers can be theoretical, empirical, or design studies and the methodology can be qualitative, quantitative, or mixed. In the MAVI spirit we will provide enough time to engage in in-depth discussions after each presentation. Registration will happen through the conference website and the new, extended deadline is end of May 2018. The deadline for conference paper submissions is also end of May. Moreover, we accept abstract submissions until the end of June.




