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CIEAEM 70 - Mathematics and Living Together: Social Process and Didactic Principle
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Konferenz: (CIEAEM 70). Mostaganem, Algerien. Internet: [1]
Termin: 15. - 19. Juli 2018
To live together is to do together: how can we rethink mathematical education for a “better living together” ? This conference will be divided into four sub-themes
Sub-theme 1: Mathematics and sustainable education
- Mathematics and UN Sustainable Development goals
- Mathematics and gender
- Mathematics and cooperative pedagogies
Sub-theme 2: Mathematics and multicultural classes
- Globalization and the Internet: MOOC, class and school cooperation across the borders
- Teaching in Multicultural Classes
- Multicultural teacher training
Sub-theme 3: Mathematics and Dialogue with other disciplines
- Transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary activities
Sub-theme 4: Rethinking history of mathematics
- Ethnomathematics
- Classroom activities and history of mathematics
- Forgotten mathematicians
- Younès Aberkane (France)
- Gilles Aldon (France)
- Peter Appelbaum (USA)
- Françoise Cerquetti (France)
- Benedetto Di Paola (Italia)
- Joachim Gimenez (Spain
- Michaela Kaslová (Czech Republic)
- Pedro Palhares (Portugal)
- Sixto Romero Sanchez (Spain)
- Charoula Stathopoulou (Greece)
- Catherine Whybrow (England)