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Hussein Abdelfatah
Dr. phil. Hussein Abdelfatah.* 27.1.1976.
Assistant Professor of Curriculum & Educational Technology.. Faculty of Education und Suez Canal University..
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Dissertation: Improving Attitudes towards Geometric Proof through a Suggested Story-Based Dynamic Geometry Approach.
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- bis 1998 Studium Mathematik, Abschluss: Bachelor of Science in Education
- 1998-1999 Grundschullehrer
- 1999-2004 Research Assistant
- 2004 Master of Education, Curricula and Mathematics Instruction
- seit 2004 Assistant Lecturer in Curricula and Mathematics Instruction Dep, Suez Canal University
- 2008-2009 Doktorand an der Universität Bayreuth
- 2010-2011 Doktorand an der PH Karlsruhe
- Januar 2011 Promotion an der PH Karlsruhe
Primary Title: A story-based dynamic geometry approach to improve attitudes toward geometry and geometric proof
Journal Name: ZDM Cover Date: 2011-07-01
Publisher: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Issn: 1863-9690
Subject: Mathematics
Start Page: 441 End Page: 450
Volume: 43 Issue: 3
Url: Doi: 10.1007/s11858-011-0341-6
Dynamische Geometrie, Einstellungen zum Beweisen in der Geometrie, Lehren und Lernen mit neuen Medien, Medien Pädagogik, Lernen mit Multimedia.