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ECM 8 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics

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Konferenz: 8th European Congress of Mathematics (8ECM). Portorož & Piran, Slovenien. Internet: 8th European Congress of Mathematics

Termin: 05.07.2020 - 11.07.2020 Juli 2020


Der [European Congress of Mathematics] (ECM) (Europäische Mathematikerkongress) findet Alle 4 Jahre findet din einer europäischen Stadt Every 4 years a European Congress of Mathematics (ECM) is organised in one of the European cities in collaboration between European Mathematical Society (EMS) and local organisers.

The EMS provides the programme for the event, while the local organisers provide the accompanying programme and take care of the organisational aspects of the event.

The ECM is the second largest mathematical congress in the world. It is surpassed only the by the International Congress of Mathematics.




