Sverker Lundin
PhD Sverker Lundin.
Mitarbeiter am Institut für Philosophie, Linguistik und Wissenschaftstheorie. Universität Göteborg.
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- 2001 MSE an der Technischen Hochschule Chalmers, Göteborg, Schweden
- 2008 PhD in Bildungssoziologie an der Universität Uppsala, Schweden (Titel: "The Mathematics of Schooling")
- Lundin, Sverker: Mapping organizational readiness for change at teacher educations in Gothenburg, Copenhagen and Göttingen. NERA Nordic Educational Research Association, 2015.
- Lundin, Sverker: Hating school, loving mathematics: On the ideological function of critique and reform in mathematics education. Educational Studies in Mathematics 80 (73-85), 2011.
- Lundin, Sverker: The missing piece. An interpretation of Mathematics Education using some ideas from Zizek. Mathematics and mathematics education: cultural and social dimensions : proceedings of MADIF 7 / the seventh Mathematics Education Research Seminar, Stockholm, January 26-27, 2010.
- Funktion der Wissenschaft und Bildung in der modernen Gesellschaft