Nathalie Sinclair
Dr. Nathalie Sinclair.
Außerordentliche Professur Pädagogische Fakultät. Simon Fraser University.
Dissertation: Mindful of Beauty: The Roles of the Aesthetic in the Doing and Learning of Mathematics.
Personen-ID im Mathematics Genealogy Project: 67817
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- 1993 Bachelor in Mathematik, McGill University, Montreal (Québec), Kanada
- 1996 Master of Science in Mathematik, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Kanada
- 2002 PhD in Bildungsphilosophie, Queen's University, Kingston (Ontario), Kanada
- Herausgeberin des "Canadian Journal For Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education"
- Mitherausgebern der Zeitschrift "For the learning of mathematics"
- Canada Research Chair "Tangible Mathematics Learning"
- Außerordentliche Professur an der Pädagogischen Fakultät, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Kanada
- consequences of embodied cognition in mathematics thinking and learning
- role of the aesthetic in the development of mathematics as a discipline and in the understandings of both research mathematicians and school learners
- how digital technologies – and dynamic geometry software in particular – changes the way people think, move and feel mathematically
- TouchCounts: Learning number through digital multitouching
- Gestural communication in the mathematics classroom
- Using dynamic geometry to develop powerful thinking in k-5