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MACAS 2015 - 5th International Symposium of Mathematics and ist Connections to the Arts and Sciences 2015
Konferenz: 5th International Symposium of Mathematics and ist Connections to the Arts and Sciences 2015 (MACAS 2015).
Schwäbisch Gmünd, Deutschland.
Internet: 5th International Symposium of Mathematics and ist Connections to the Arts and Sciences 2015
Termin: 28. - 30. Mai 2015
MACAS-2015 is targeting in particular scientists from mathematics, science, arts, humanities, philosophy, educational sciences and other disciplines that are scientifically connected to mathematics. The main idea of the MACAS symposia is to bring scientist at one table, who are interested in the connection between arts and science in a educational curriculum while emphasizing on, as well as researching the role of mathematics. This can happen from different viewpoints, as previous MACAS activities have shown. Thus, at MACAS-2015 these different approaches and viewpoints between mathematics, arts and science, are supposed to be pooled so that possible synergies can be discovered.
This implies the following focus areas:
- Theoretical investigation of the relation between mathematics, arts and science - Curricular approach to integrate mathematics and science - Importance of the mathematical modelling and the inter-disciplinarity for the learning and studying of mathematics - Meaning of arts and humanities for the understanding of the connection between arts, humanities and mathematics in ordinary daily situations - Intercultural dimension of studying mathematics.
MACAS-2015 is supposed to bring together researchers, including talented up-and-coming ones, who are focused in or connected to these fields of study. The conference will promote the scientific interchange, initiate new cooperations and enable the reflection on commonalities and differences between different viewpoints.