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CADGME 2010 - 3rd Central- and Eastern European Conference onComputer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education

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Konferenz: Third Central- and Eastern European Conference onComputer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education (CADGME 2010). Hluboká nad Vltavou, Tschechische Republik. Internet: Third Central- and Eastern European Conference onComputer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education

Termin: 29.06.2010 - 01.07.2010 Juni 2010


After two successful conferences held at Pécs, Hungary (2007) and Hagenberg, Austria (2009) we are delighted to announce that the CADGME conference continues. The team from Pedagogical faculty at University of South Bohemia in Ceské Budejovice volunteered to host the conference this year in the beautiful place in Hluboká nad Vltavou (10 km from České Budějovice). As for the last CADGME conferences we want to create a forum for Central- and Eastern- European colleagues, and for all interested academics from around the globe to exchange ideas and nurture collaboration. We hope that you will join us in Hluboká nad Vltavou in 29 June - 1 July 2010.



Scientific Committee

  • Burkhard Alpers (Fachhochschule Aalen), Germany
  • Teresa Assude (Université de Provence), France
  • Paul Andrews (University of Cambridge), UK
  • Ralph-Johan Back (Abo Akademi University Turku), Finland
  • Bärbel Barzel (Universität Duisburg-Essen), Germany
  • Bruno Buchberger (RISC, University of Linz), Austria
  • Douglas Butler (ICT Training Centre Oundle School), UK
  • J. Orlando Freitas (University of Madeira), Portugal
  • Karl Fuchs (University of Salzburg), Austria
  • Samer Habre (Lebanese American University), Lebanon
  • Roman Hašek (University of South Bohemia), Czech Republic
  • Stephen J. Hegedus (University of Massachusetts), USA
  • Kathleen Heid (Pennsylvania State University), USA
  • Markus Hohenwarter (Florida Atlantic University), USA
  • Predrag Janicic (University of Belgrade), Serbia
  • Djordje Kadijevich (Mathematical Institute, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts), Serbia
  • Cezary Kaliszyk (Technical University München), Germany
  • János Karsai (University of Szeged), Hungary
  • Carolyn Kieran (Université du Québec á Montréal), Canada
  • Vesna Kilibarda (Indiana University Northwest), USA
  • Vlasta Kokol-Voljc (University of Maribor), Slovenia
  • Ulrich Kortenkamp (University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd), Germany
  • Zoltán Kovács (University of Debrecen - College of Nyíregyháza), Hungary
  • Yves, Kreis (University of Luxembourg), Luxembourg
  • Jean-Baptiste Lagrange (I.U.F.M. Reims and Didirem Université Paris VII), France
  • Zsolt Lavicza (University of Cambridge), UK
  • Matija Lokar (University of Ljubljana), Slovenia
  • John Monaghan (University of Leeds), UK
  • Eric Muller (Brock University), Canada
  • Julien Narboux (University of Strasbourg), France
  • Walther Neuper (University of Technology, Graz), Austria
  • Pavel Pech (University of South Bohemia), Czech Republic
  • Ildikó Perjési-Hámori (University of Pécs), Hungary
  • Werner Peschek (Alpen - Adria Universität Klagenfurt), Austria
  • Nikolaj Popov (Johannes Kepler University), Austria
  • Judit Robu (Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj), Romania
  • Kenneth Ruthven (University of Cambridge), UK
  • Csaba Sárvári (University of Pécs), Hungary
  • Edith Schneider (Alpen - Adria Universität Klagenfurt), Austria
  • Lajos Szilassi (University of Szeged), Hungary
  • Denis Tanguay (Université du Québec á Montréal), Canada
  • Luc Trouche (INRP (National Institut of Pedagogical Research), Lyon), France
  • Éva Vásárhelyi (Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary / University of Salzburg), Austria
  • Rose Mary Zbiek (The Pennsylvania State University), USA
  • Nurit Zehavi (Weizmann Institute of Science), Israel


